Directory in CRM

Directory in CRM

The basis of all the basics is to have an overview in your database of companies and clients. Keep things in order. Let's take a look together at how to work with the directory in Mango and how to create a clear client card.

Basic functions 

At the beginning, the user simply clicks into the directory section. A clear directory of companies will be displayed. What does the user actually see? Let's look at the basic directory view.

As we can see in the picture, we can click through the directory if we want to display the directory of clients - companies or the directory of persons. We can also choose the type of display - whether we want a simple list or a detailed table. The detailed table is shown above as you can see. Each row represents one company. We can directly edit all data in these lines, we can filter them.

In the tabular display, we will also see date of last activity. It is a very important data that tells us about the last time something happened at the company. As a result, I can, for example, look at companies that have not been solved for a long time in this tabular view. After clicking on this date, the last activity opens with a detailed description.

It is also important to mention that in the tabular display of companies we can send mass e-mailing, we can create mass tasks or mass business opportunities. How to do that? I simply mark the companies in the table view that I need and then choose what I'm going to do with the companies. 

As we can see in the picture above, it's a matter of a few clicks. So we don't have to laboriously manually create a task or opportunity for each company. I mark the companies, choose that I want to create a task for these companies and just enter the details of the task. It is the same with mass e-mailing. It is unthinkable to send the same e-mail to each company separately. In the tabular view, I filter and mark the companies to which the e-mail should be sent, and then I just choose the e-mail campaign that I want to send to the selected companies. How to create an email  You can find out about the campaign and how to follow the report of this campaign at the link below. 

Bulk emails

Let's take a look at what a simple display looks like. 

This simple display of companies in the form of, let's call it cards, is especially practical, for example, if we want to work with a list of companies on a mobile phone. Of course, after clicking on any company in this simple view, the client's card will expand to us with all the data about the company that was entered into Manga. 

Other directory options are lit on the top bar. The symbols in this section contain the following functions. 

1. When viewing the directory in detail, you can view your detailed table in full screen in these additional options. Through the next symbol, you can download your list of companies to the MS Excel program. And in the last option, the import and export of data is hidden. This function is very important, especially if at the beginning of working with our CRM system you are worried about how to get your entire company database into Manga. Simply through data import.

Just fill in the sample data import file and Mango will import any amount of data in no time and your company database is ready to use. 

2. With a simple (card) view of the calendar, other options are very similar. The first symbol represents the entry of the list of companies into the MS Excel program. In the second option, the export/import of data is hidden. Under the last symbol we find the column settings. 

In this section, you can set what data will be displayed in the given cards. Whether you want the title, ID number, first name, last name... It's up to you. Whatever you choose, Mango will work it into the mentioned cards. 

Uploading a new contact

How do I actually get a new contact into Manga? Very simply. In the lower right corner, I click on the green + button and a card opens for me to enter all the necessary data related to the company. Mango is connected to the national register of companies, so after you enter your ID number, some fields that Mango pulls from this register will be filled in. Thus, we do not have to fill in everything manually. After entering all the basic data about the company, we can also create our own columns in the directory. In these custom columns, we can create anything we need to register for companies. For more information on the functionality and meaning of custom columns, please click on the link below.

Custom columns

Custom filter setting

In this section, it is important to mention that we can subsequently filter all the data we fill in for companies. How do we set the filter we need? 

We click on the custom filter box. Subsequently, we will be shown the options with the data that we fill in for companies in the directory, and we simply click on those that we need to be included in the given filter. I can save this filter and, if necessary, use it at any time through the search. I also have the option to save this filter only for myself or for all users. You can select and use saved filters in the following search field.

Client card

So how do we create a client card? Simply with the evolving life of the given company. First, we put the company in the directory and fill in all the data we need. Subsequently, everything that arises during trading is linked to the given company and is stored in the address book on the client's card. Whether it is the tasks that the trader sets for the company, the activities that he creates for the company or the generated offers, orders, sales chart for the last 4 months, etc.  We can find everything in one place, clearly arranged for a specific company. 

Of course, we can find all this data separately in individual sections, but when we want to look at all the data related to a specific company, we can find everything in one place right here in the directory in the client's tab. In all these parts, be it tasks, activities, offers, we can also find a box to create a new one, so we can create what we need directly from the directory. 

After opening the company, you can click on other essential parts of the directory at the top of the bar.

In the other section, if necessary, fill in the accounting analytics, bank connection and other important matters. In other sections, centers and connected companies, you can enter if the company has several centers, or sister companies or a mother, etc.

In the files section, you can upload anything you need to keep with your company. Whether it is documents, contracts, photos, various tables. 

In the last part of the price list, you can view the corresponding price list for the company. And so you will have all the information related to the company in one place. The price list is filled out automatically from offers and orders related to this company, so here you will always find the current price list for a specific company. You don't have to artificially maintain current prices at the company, everything will be fetched from current offers and orders. 

The company directory in the CRM system is not just a database of contacts. It is a valuable tool that supports business efficiency, improves customer relations and allows companies to plan business strategies. Its regular updating and effective use can be the key to long-term success. 

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