Sample quotation and order

User comfort in the CRM system

Offer or order in MS Excel? Definitely NOT with us!

Offers or orders do not always have to be a table in MS Excel that we send to the client in an e-mail. The mango came with clear, simple, interactive, comprehensible, modern in the form of an offer and order as it belongs in the 21st century. Let's take a look at what we meant.

View interactive menu

When creating an offer or an order, we first fill in all important information in the header, such as: customer, person at the customer, language of the offer, name, who should receive notifications related to the offer, user, etc.

Next, it is up to us how we will create the core of the offer. Whether we are going to start from a pattern or we are going to throw in line by line. Creating an offer is very simple. We took into account the fact that the merchant cannot always quickly recalculate how much he can move the price to make his offer profitable and what the total costs are. The merchant will never create an offer or order for the company that would mean a loss. Easy though?

I can click on each item from the above order and it will be displayed product card. In this tab, I can view all essential information about the product, whether it is the list price, a detailed description of the product, stock records, etc. At the same time, I can also edit this card in case there have been any fundamental changes to the product, for example the amount of the load has changed. 

When generating the offer, we can choose how it will look press assembly. Let's take a look at the two print sets we created for practice and how nice the offers will look in them. You can create your own press kit exactly according to the style of your company!

It is important to mention, since the menu is interactive, that we can expand all the items as in line 1. We can see the label, we can see the image, we can open anything related to the menu and upload its items. Let's take a look at the preview of the second press kit.

It looks a bit different than the menu in an excel table, doesn't it :) ? If you want to learn more about offers and orders, click and follow. 

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